Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Little Red Comic Strip

Final outcome, Little Red Comic Strip. I was very pleased with my work for this project and the final outcome. I've also actually really enjoyed doing the work for this project which is important to keep motivated to get the work done.

Pictures Without Words: Little Red Comic

For this project i had to illustrate Little Red Riding Hood using a minimum of four illustrations and no text. I've currently been inspired by the works of cartoonists such as Jime Woodring, Jason and Hergé. I therefore decided to tell the story in the form of a comic book and using the simple ligne claire style. Here are some of the initial drawings and sketches for my ideas:

Tuesday, 7 December 2010


Norwegian cartoonist, influenced by his work for my current project in which I have to illustrate Little Red Riding Hood.

Jim Woodring

Frank & Pupshaw:

Pages from Wodrings sketchbook:


Currently writing an essay about designer toys, mainly focusing on James Jarvis. However really like Gary Basemans work and was interested to find out Jim Woodring has also released toys based on his cartoon characters. I've been heavily influenced by Woodrings work, for another project I’m working on. Its good having a link between the project and essay has helped me to keep focussed on both rather than them individually.

Black & white Frank toy by Jim Woodring. Theres also a colour version

Somebody Somewhere Wants a Letter

Right for this project we I had to choose a person to send a letter/package/whatever to. To cut a long story short I ended up starting this project quite late due to various personal reasons. So I ended up choosing Wayne Rooney for reasons I’m not quite sure anymore. Anyway I decided to bring elements of his personal life into the work as well as his sporting career.

I also decided to design a football badge to represent him. I really wanted to embroider the badge design onto a t-shirt. However time was against me. I did manage to hand stitch the design which proved very difficult due to the level of detail in the design. If I had more time I would of like to have use an embroidering machine to sew it on.

In order to get the work finished for the deadline I decided to use Illustrator. I created a postcard with the 'Wayne Rooney' football badge on. I am pretty pleased with it as not only did I get the work done in a short amount of time, but I also got to develop my Illustrator skills a bit more.